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Queer Care Sessions

WHAT: Queer Care Sessions - Session 3

WHEN: Sunday 6th October 13:00-17:00

WHERE: The Hole (Zoutziedersstraat 20, Rotterdam)

In a guided qleasure practice we will research and practice our own relationship to qleasure. Qleasure or queer pleasure breaks borders boundaries and binaries. Queer pleasure believes we are all experts when it comes to our own pleasure, we just need some time and space to figure it out sometimes. Through a guided practice, we will check in with what feels good and find a way to give it to ourselves 💕

About Queer Care Sessions: During the Queer Care Sessions organized by @the_qollection we will collectively explore what we need as a community to care for ourselves and each other through different approaches and practices. How do we as a community create a space in which we learn more about the kind of care we give and the kind of care we wish to receive? What do we need for that? And in what different forms can we do that? In each session a different care practitioner will take us through their way of communal care, inviting us to come along and bring our own knowledges and experiences into this practice as well. We invite you to come to this space and create the community we need together.

Register on our website:

Queer Care Sessions
Social/CommunityEducationalSocial GatheringSeminars & Lectures
Sun 06/10
13:00 - 17:00
The Hole, Rotterdam
Sign up via the Queer Rotterdam website (link in the description)

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