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TransAmsterdam - Painting Workshop

Painting Workshop at Trans and Friends Cafe InClusion

Under the guidance of our talented teacher Camille van Neer, an experienced artist and proud father of a trans son, you can get acquainted with our Trans Art School.


20:00 - 00:00 Cafe InClusion open

21:00 - 23:00 painting workshop

00:00 Close Cafe InClusion

During and after the workshop, cafe InClusion is open.

Everyone is welcome!


Painting Workshop at Trans and Friends Cafe InClusion

Onder leiding van onze getalenteerde docent Camille van Neer, een ervaren kunstenaar en trotse vader van een trans zoon, kun je kennismaken met onze Trans Art School.


20:00 - 00:00 Cafe InClusion

21:00 - 23:00 schilder workshop

00:00 Cafe InClusion afsluiten

Tijdens en na de workshop is cafe InClusion open.

Iedereen is Welkom!

TransAmsterdam - Painting Workshop
Social/CommunityWorkshop/CraftsSocial Gathering
Fri 26/04
20:00 - 23:59
The Manor Hotel, Amsterdam

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