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Queer Landing Queer Party | What You See Festival

Party and queerness in all its glory

Queer Landing is coming to town! Activist and multidisciplinary artist Mini Maxwell curates an evening in which queerness is gloriously celebrated. Count on a colorful mix of short performances and nice beats from queer artists. Sunni Lamin Barrow performs his resilient poetry, Marko Ivic mixes and matches all musical styles on his piano and duo Kiss My Knoblauch throw out their dirty sound and resistance in fast lyrics full of freaky tenderness. With DJ Solame the dance floor goes wild on cool beats, with even some happy hardcore. And DJ Edna plays it fast and hard, but always keeps it bouncy and sexy. Meet us on the dance floor!


Party en glorieuze viering van queerness

Queer Landing is coming to town! Activist en multidisciplinair kunstenaar Mini Maxwell stelt een avond samen waarin queerness glorieus gevierd wordt. Reken op een bonte mix van korte performances en fijne beats van queer kunstenaars. Sunni Lamin Barrow brengt zijn veerkrachtige poëzie ten gehore, Marko Ivic mixed and matched alle muziekstijlen op zijn piano en duo Kiss My Knoblauch gooien hun vieze sound en verzet eruit in snelle teksten vol freaky tederheid. Met DJ Solame gaat de dansvloer los op vette beats, met zelfs wat happy hardcore. En DJ Edna speelt het snel en hard, maar houdt het altijd springering en sexy. Meet us on the dance floor!

Queer Landing Queer Party | What You See Festival
Club/NightlifeElectronic MusicPerformance
Sat 18/11
Sun 19/11
EKKO, Utrecht

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