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Queer Amsterdam (8)

Queer Amsterdam - Combi Clinic Gym & Tenni

Combi-training We are Queer en Smashing Pink

Come develop your tennis skills and increase your strength!

During Queer Pride Amsterdam, Smashing Pink and We Are Queer Gym will give  a nice combination training on Sunday afternoon July 21st and Friday afternoon July 26th . First an hour of tennis lessons from the trainers of Smashing Pink, followed by an hour of strength training from the coaches of We Are Queer, who wouldn't want that? Location : Smashing Pink, tennis park Amstelpark, Koenenkade 8.

Come develop your tennis skills and build up your strength!

During Queer Pride Amsterdam, Smashing Pink and We Are Queer Gym will be giving a great combination workout on Sunday afternoon July 21st and Friday afternoon July 26th. First an hour of tennis lesson from the trainers of Smashing Pink, followed by an hour of strength training from the coaches of We Are Queer, who wouldn’t want that? Location: Smashing Pink, tennispark Amstelpark, Koenenkade 8.

There are limited places available, so be quick and register.

Please let us know if you have any experience with tennis and if you have your own tennis racket (we have several rackets available for loan).

Queer Amsterdam - Combi Clinic Gym & Tenni
Sports/WellnessSocial GatheringSports
Sun 21/07
15:00 - 17:00
Amstelpark Tennisclub, Amsterdam

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