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Powerplay Workshop

Hosted by Lucía Lodi (@femmebeachtop fro IG) ( for others) this introduction to Power Play workshop is about consensually playing with different roles and attitudes in kink. Are you more dominant or submissive, or maybe a bit of both?

No prior experience with D/s is required, in this workshop we will create a safer space for you to try things out in a low stakes accessible way. Clothes will stay on, the exercises are simple, and we will make space for everyone to be included. You are welcome to join with partners, but there will also be exercises to create duos and/or groups on the spot. The workshop will be led in English.

In regards to accessibility, the space is only accessible via stairs. In regards to Covid, we would like to ask everyone to bring a covid test to be done at the space. Otherwise take the health precautions that make sense to you, and feel free to contact us about enquiries about the practices at Queer Rotterdam.

While Power Play can be sexy and exciting, arousing even, the most important is to be curious, explore, and have fun!

Powerplay Workshop
Tue 22/10
19:00 - 22:00
The Hole, Rotterdam

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