Nestled in nature's thriving spiral, where every blossom unfolds life's intimate mysteries...
On Friday, May 3rd, PAX-ROMANA: FLORALIA flourishes with an explorative, pleasure-seeking atmosphere in RADION.
Discover mystic and other-wordly rhythms, as we embody the primal dance of creation together.. 🌈
RADION: Claudio PRC | D-Leria | DJ Nobu | Jennifer Cardini | Jephta (hybrid live) | TITIA
Be extraordinary, creative, sexified, kinky, unusual or insane, but most of all express your identity.
Age 21 +
Having a ticket does not guarantee admission
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~No photos, No videos~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No Hate, No Discrimination, No Racism, No Sexism, No Queerphobia... Only PAX
We strive to create a community space where the public, artists, creators, and organizations from all identities, visible or not, can be themselves, be respected, and most importantly feel safe. A place where we can build a community together. A space of togetherness where we can unify, empower and flourish with each other.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~During PAX-ROMANA we share -as a singular collective- love and passion for the underground music, self-expression, culture, and most of all each other. The dance floor offers a way to protest, unite, celebrate, and to express our identities.
Artwork by: Antonie Koenen