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Iris Loves Iris

This 5th edition we welcome you in the cosy city Den Bosch again!

Reservations by mail only and to pick up at the event before 15.30:

Send first and last name in reservation, when arriving after 15.30 on 05-11-2023 reservations will be expired (expired reservations will be sold at the door as long tickets are available).

Party:15.00 - 19.00 @ Bossche Kelders, Visstraat 42-A, entrance 10 euro cash only.

When you enter this party you agree with that pictures or videos are made for future promotion.

- 19.00 Afterparty @ Keulse Kar, Hinthamerstraat 101.
- 19.00 Dinner in a restaurant nearby (mention this in your mail)

Iris Loves Iris
Club/NightlifeElectronic Music
Sun 05/11
15:00 - 19:00
Bossche Kelders, 's-Hertogenbosch
Reservations by mail only. Check info in event.

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