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Ontwerp Zonder Titel (65)

FunHouse XXL – The Main Pride Event

FunHouse XXL – the Main Pride Event

Saturday August 3

22:00 till 07:00

GasHouder + WesterUnie + WesterLiefde + TransformatorHuis + Large outdoors Square

our full DJ line-up is almost ready for publication ; we can already highlight the return from Suri (ES) in the GasHouder.

WesterUnie : Kitty Glitter – Sharon O love – Inshane

WesterLiefde : our techno heaven

TransformatorHuis : DJ RW Hell’s Kitchen

GasHouder : among others with international DJ : Suri (ES)

FunHouse XXL – The Main Pride Event
Club/NightlifeElectronic Music
Sat 03/08
Sun 04/08
Gashouder Westergas, Amsterdam

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