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Pride Amsterdam

Expo: Lines, Lives and Lies


Location: Ground floor

"LINES, LIVES, AND LIES" is our exhibition featuring the work of six alumni (duos) of Aernout Mik, who have since established themselves within the professional art world, each securing a unique position in the art landscape.

Featured Artists:

  • Mikołaj Sobczak
  • Zauri Matikashvili
  • Jana Kerima Stolzer & Lex Rütten
  • Youn Hee Park
  • Nicola Gördes & Stella Rossié
  • Silke Schönfeld

Exhibition Overview:

"LINES, LIVES, AND LIES" plays with the possibility of different storylines, histories, and narratives that can exist simultaneously and can be equally factual and fictional. Reality is intertwined with our sense of narrativity. We make sense of the world and our history by telling stories about it. We don’t speak of isolated events, but rather, we make connections, draw lines to establish causality, and decide how events contribute to larger questions of identity.

"Lines, Lives, and Lies" is a rhythm of similar sounds, an echo of stories, where the lines between lives and lies become subtly blurred. In the form of video, in combination with installation, performance, and sculpture, the artists of this exhibition explore how we articulate our everyday lives through narrative. How do our stories produce the effects of our reality? Has the real already become too fictive to be fictionalized?


  • Annemarie Galani (selection of artists)
  • Aernout Mik


  • The artists
  • Kunsthaus Nordrhein-Westfalen Kornelimünster
  • Rijksakademie Amsterdam
  • Max Mayer Düsseldorf
  • Polana Institute Warsaw
Expo: Lines, Lives and Lies
Sat 27/07
Sun 04/08
Project Space On The Inside, Amsterdam

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