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Eindhoven Ballroom Functions (EBF)

LAST EBF IN 2023! Make sure to be there and get ready for a unique surprise! ✨

Eindhoven Ballroom Functions (EBF) is a monthly practice ball in Dynamo. It is organized by Leila 007 @mermie_lell and Shahin 007 @shahin.damka for the ballroom community to practice walking ballroom categories and prepare for walking balls (compete in ballroom competitions).

Everyone is welcome to join, whether you want to practice or just spectate. However, do not forget: this is a safe space and we do not tolerate any form of discrimination!!

Eindhoven Ballroom Functions (EBF)
Art/CulturePerformanceSocial GatheringEducational
Wed 08/11
19:30 - 22:30
DYNAMO, Eindhoven
Free Entrance!

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