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Dorothy's Roze Avond

Roze Zaterdag is Right Around the Corner! 🌈

At Dorothy's, we're planning a very special evening you won't want to miss.


  • House Queens:
  • Special Guest:


  • Date: Saturday, June 22nd
  • Time: Starting at 9 PM
  • Tickets: €5, available only at the door
  • Bonus: Free shot at the door! 🍸

If there's one night you don't want to miss, it's this one.

#PinkSaturday #DorothysQueens #KetaMinaj #DragRace #PartyTime

Dorothy's Roze Avond
Bar/CaféDragCabaret & Comedy
Sat 22/06
21:00 - 01:00
Dorothy’s Dragbar, Groningen

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