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COCK - Char Li Chung


A text by Mike Bartlett, directed by Char Li Chung

Screened for the first time in the Netherlands: the award-winning performance COCK. 

Does it matter who or what we are attracted to?

When John takes a break from his relationship with his friend, he is surprised to meet the woman of his dreams. Filled with guilt and indecision, he embarks on a provocative search for his own sexuality. Frankly, John navigates between two worlds. But how do you choose the other, if you don't know who you are anymore?

Directed by Char Li Chung, Theater Oostpool presents this sharp and humorous play about love, identity and sexuality. A tantalizing drama, full of entertaining and heartbreaking dialogues. COCK was already an overwhelming success at the West End in London. With actors Daniel Cornelissen, Sander Plukaard, Joy Delima and Peter Blok, COCK is now also conquering Dutch theatres.

Duration approx. 105 minutes

Age 14+


Char Li Chung previously made a successful triptych about historical queer figures ( Don Caravaggio , De Profundis and Edward II – The gay king ) and last season drew sold-out audiences with De Banangeneration , a performance about the Asian community in the Netherlands. Now Char Li is back with a queer performance, this time set in today's world.

Char Li Chung: “COCK offers a refreshing and loving look at sexuality, our obsession with certainty and our deep-seated discomfort with ambiguity. In a world full of endless possibilities, why should we limit ourselves with labels?”

COCK - Char Li Chung
Thu 23/11
20:00 - 22:00
DeLaMar, Amsterdam

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