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Club Raum Friday

This weekend at RAUM we have Friday 3rd and Sunday 5th for you.

On Friday @_______afra_______ and @rachelnoondj who will also finish the night with a special b2b from 05:00 - end.

Doors open on Friday at 23:00 and entry is before 04:00.

Sunday is the first day party and joining to open it will be @stellasnacks , @merve.dj_ and @fafi_abdel_nour .

Sunday will start at 15:00 and end at 01:00, with doors closing at 21:00.

Pre-sale tickets are still available to purchase on the shop page of Raum's website.

There’s also door tickets available for 21 euro.

Club Raum Friday
Club/NightlifeElectronic Music
Fri 03/05
Sat 04/05
Club Raum, Amsterdam

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