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Board Games Bonanza

We’ve been processing the feedback from all of you after our previous events and we are happy to share we are starting a new tradition of organising a well-requested casual board game get-together on a quarterly basis ❤️‍🔥

In line with our values, we aim to bring together your brilliant queer tech brains to get to know other colourful members of our community and tackle some challenges. It’s just that this time they will be card- and board-related instead of the big questions we usually address 😊

Like with our Third-Thursday Saarein borrel, we found a cosy location where we can gather. The acquisition of beverages and snacks is on your own account. We heard good things about the comfort food served in House of Watt. The location is on the ground floor and there are easily accessible bathrooms. We made sure there will be some fun games to play, at the same time feel free to bring some of your own as long as you have the patience to explain them to other members of our OIT Amsterdam community 🤗

RSVP today and join us in creating a more inclusive tomorrow.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!


Connect with 20K LGBTQ+ tech professionals in our Slack channel (look for #Netherlands)

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Board Games Bonanza
Social/CommunityGamingSocial GatheringNetworking
Tue 22/10
18:00 - 22:30
House of Watt, Amsterdam

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