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Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals,

Will you come join us for an evening of fun games and casual chats with fellow queer people? 🎲🌈

The next edition of gamenight will be on the 19th April at 19:00 in Room 7 at Dynamo. We will provide some games, but feel free to bring a game too if you have one that you would really like to play!💕

Same for snacks! Some drinks and snacks will be provided, but feel free to bring more to share. 🍿🍪🍫

Keep in mind that this event is fully alcohol free🚫

Date: April 19th, 19:00-22:00

Location: Dynamo - Room 7

No sign up needed!

Hope to see you there! ✨

photo: @pictures_by_evan

edit: @river.x.i

Sat 20/04
15:00 - 16:00
DYNAMO, Eindhoven
Free Entry!

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